In this guide, we will cover 17 golf swing tips to help you become a better golfer who drives the best golf swings.

There are several golfing tips out there. In fact, there are too many of them.

But they will only work if they are served well and you follow them through.

Golfers tend to thrive on these tips, especially when they blend them for a better game.

Actually, sharing tips is one of the best ways to potentially improve your game. You will learn from new tricks as well as the mistakes of other golfers. 

The only issue we have with sharing golf tips is that some of them are just useless.

While golfers might have meant well while sharing their tricks, that doesn’t mean that the tip will actually help you improve your game.

The best people to offer proven golf tips that will actually help you get better at golf are pro players or trusted golf instructors.

Those are the kinds of tips you should look for, and that is why we are here to compile them for you. 

The good thing is that these tips can work for any handicapped player.

But keep in mind that no single tip will make you a great golfer. That is why we recommend implementing several of them. Now, let’s get on the list. 

Top 17 Tips That Will Get You the Best Golf Swings

1. Take Your Time

This is a simple yet effective golf swing trick.

Most people tend to rush things in the golf swing because they are trying to hit the ball far.

If you are standing on the tee, you will naturally try to swing harder and faster to get your ball to a significant distance.

However, this effort will do you more harm than good. 

Pro players know that the best golf swings are those that allow ball-hit speed to develop gradually.

So, you will want to pay attention to how you accelerate the club from up until it hits the ball. Make sure to take your time when it comes to transition.

Don’t rush through the transition. 

2. Establish a Practical Routine

To be able to replicate your swing over and over, you should establish a pre-shot routine.

An important aspect to pay attention to while establishing your routine is timing.

For instance, your routine may involve standing behind the ball, observing the fairway, taking a practice swing, and hitting the ball.

Interestingly, for some golfers, the same routine may take 30 seconds, while others do everything within 15 seconds. So, maintain a timing that works for you. 

3. Pick Out a Specific Target

Golf is all about hitting a target.

So, what you can do for your swing is to pick out a target for all your shots.

Rather than aim at the fairway, pick a particular spot in the distance and use it to help you guide your swing.

Having a specific target in mind even before you take your stance will help you stay committed to the swing at hand. There is no room for indecision or guesswork as you swing. 

4. Relax Your Grip

While everyone has their own unique way of holding onto the club, there are different grips that will produce good results.

But one grip that is applicable across the board is to make it relaxed.

Many experienced golfers will agree that a relaxed grip will promote club head speed and a clean strike.

Unfortunately, most golfers still hold onto the grip too tight when swinging. 

5. Quiet Hands in the Takeaway

Apart from observing the kind of grip you use in your game, you should also consider how you manage your hands in the takeaway.

Ideally, you should keep your hands out of the takeaway and let your shoulders do the hard work.

As you do so, focus on turning your left shoulder away from the target and letting your wrists be quiet and stable.

As you do so, don’t overcomplicate things, as most golfers do. 

6. Stay Perfectly Still While Putting

Another strategy that will allow you to deliver the best golf swings is to maintain a still posture throughout the stroke.

Putting is slightly different from the way you handle a full swing, where you need help from your entire body to produce sufficient power and speed; putting is more about precision and control.

Therefore, you will want to focus more on the precision of your stroke by keeping your body still while the putter swings. 

7. No Slide

Just like driving a car down lanes on the road, you should also not worry too much about slight movements as you make a swing.

However, you shouldn’t move too much, especially your hips, as this may cause chunked shots, tops, and other ugly shots. 

One of the common mistakes associated with amateur golfers is that they slide their hips too far away from their target during a backswing.

When this happens, it makes it difficult for these players to get back to their left side in time to be able to make the right swing. 

8. Clubface Control

Another strategy that will enable you to implement the best golf swings is to control the clubface.

Actually, clubface is the king when it comes to golf. It accounts for more than three-quarters of the ball’s starting direction.

That is, if your clubface points way left or right, that is most likely where the ball will go. 

9. Follow a Neutral Swing Path

This is another piece of actionable advice that will help you get better at golf.

Naturally, golfers who swing over-the-top tend to swing too far to the left.

Others tend to swing too far to the right. But if you want the best golf swings, try swinging somewhere close to straight down the middle.

This way, your swing will not move in all the crazy directions. 

10. The Left Hand Needs to be in Charge

If you are a right-handed player, you should let your left hand take charge.

Sadly, some cheeky golfers let their right hand participate in some shots.

Yes, you may be successful in some selective cases if you do so, but it will be really hard to stay consistent throughout the round.

So, if you normally do so, take time to practice swings with just your left hand on the club. 

11. Play to Your Strengths

Prior to taking your stance, you will need to consider many choices.

For instance, are you going to hit the ball lower or higher than usual?

What are you using as your target? Another important aspect that you have to consider is the kind of strength that you have and how to apply it.

Understanding this will help you achieve better outcomes.

12. Learn to Compress the Ball

Another proven trick that will get you the best golf swings is to hit down and through the ball.

Doing this will allow you to get impressive distance and trajectory with the iron shots.

But the sad reality is that some golfers put too much weight on the right side at setup.

This is normally the case for right-handed golfers. 

13. Play with Different Stance Positions

Depending on the club you choose, you may have different positions on your stance.

One thing you should note is that you need to feel comfortable while standing over the golf ball.

So, it is best to experiment with different golf stance positions until you arrive at a stance that you have confidence in. 

14. There are Lots of Ways to Swing

Stay away from golfers or trainers who emphasize that there is only one way to swing a golf club.

The reality is that there are several ways to swing a golf club and still achieve satisfactory results.

So, try to establish your own unique motion in your swing, and don’t put pressure on yourself to learn a new swing method that may not benefit you. 

15. Master Alignment

Mastering alignment will help you get the best golf swings.

All you need to do is practice alignment, stick to it, and use it as a guide.

Given that the game of golf involves so many variables, naturally, our eyes can trick us on matters of alignment.

So, you can avoid this by eliminating alignment as a variable and making it a target. 

16. Make the Ground Your Friend

Ground forces play a critical role in enabling you to gain both power and torque by leveraging the ground.

You are more likely to get more power by keeping your weight centered on your feet. 

17. Control Your Emotions and Have Fun

Finally, this is not a swinging skill per se, but you need to keep emotions under check at all times. Making one perfect hit should not trigger your emotions.

Learn to control it. Also, remember to have fun while practicing or paying a round. 

Closing Remarks

There you have it. We hope that the above 17 tips will help you carry out the best golf swings and eventually get better at your game.

As you know, golf is one of the sporting activities that offers a tremendous challenge. But that doesn’t have to discourage you.

Embrace the challenge and make these golfing tips part of the game. The most important thing is to implement the tips. 

So, before you head for your next round, take a few moments to reflect on these tips and try to implement them in your game.

But keep in mind that your hands and wrists will play a crucial role in improving the speed at which you improve your game.

Also, be intentional about your improvements and pay attention to the proper positioning in a golf swing as well as all aspects of the game. 

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