Author: ops

Golf is a famous game played widely in various parts of the world. According to research, 2015 alone reported approximately 2.2 million new golf players. In this article, we list the best golf courses in the world.  Many people, including the young, middle-aged, and elderly, are attending a golf course in bigger numbers. At the same time, businesses, groups of people, companies, and organizations are opening up new places to play golf. Admittedly, you can’t play golf satisfactorily if you’re not on the golf course. It’s where players challenge themselves against nature’s elements and meticulously designed landscapes. If you’ve never…

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In this guide, 9 Golf Club Sets For Beginners 2024 that are currently available in the market. You are probably in a stage where you have been playing with borrowed clubs and are now ready to have your own. But the problem is that if you are new to the game, choosing the right golf club set for beginners can be a daunting task. The thing is that there are many viable options plus the fact that we have different preferences. What it means is that we don’t go about purchasing clubs the same way. For instance, some prefer the…

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